The Guide to the Natural Self

The Guide to the Natural Self

A guide is a person who helps you in your journey to reach a destination.
Let us be your guide as you strive to become your true natural self.

On our blog

  • Why Wearing a Bikini is Nothing Like Being Nude Socially
    There’s only a little bit covering the body after all. Surely, it’s a whisper away from the naturist experience, isn’t it?
  • Stupid Weight Loss Ads! Bah-Humbug
    I’m preparing a free online talk on the topic of Body Acceptance and starting the year off with a different mindset. I’m hosting it Friday, December 29th at 11amEST. I decided that would be the perfect time since most people will have indulged over the holidays and the bombardment of ads of gyms and diets… Read more: Stupid Weight Loss Ads! Bah-Humbug
  • My First Speaking Engagement is Coming Up!
    . I love the idea of speaking to a group about body acceptance, of shifting minds towards self-love, of maybe being booked for another talk somewhere else until it becomes a regular part of what I do. How on earth would I ever get there if I cancelled?
  • Hair Loss, Hair Gain
    Women get to have fun with changing the hair on the top of their head, men get to have fun with deciding what to do with the hair on their face.
  • An Honest Question About Exhibitionism
    I don’t feel titillated by showing my nakedness off. I also don’t mind if someone happens to see me nude.